When a relationship begins, life takes on another color, you see illusion everywhere and it seems that from that moment nothing can go wrong. But despite the fact that the beginnings are always incredible, it is important to know that at this moment you are building the foundations of what your relationship will be in the future. That is why from this article we want to give you some advice when starting a relationship so that it begins in the best possible way and grows solid and fruitful in the future.

Express your expectations.

In these first days of relationship you must make clear what your expectations are  and what you expect from the relationship. You may not really be looking for the same thing, which in the future will only lead to disappointments, so communication is essential to avoid them. What are your expectations, what do you expect of him or her or what you want in the future are questions that you must cover from the beginning. Otherwise, time will pass and, finally, you will reach a point that it will be untenable to continue simply because you have not spoken clearly from the beginning.

At this point it is vital to remind yourself that you must be yourself at all times, you do not want to like yourself more by changing your way of being because masks cannot be worn a lifetime. You are not special, you have defects like everyone else, and a partner is not the person who does not see your defects but the one who knows them and loves you the same. If you do not show yourself as you are from the beginning, you will be starting the relationship in a lie that over time will not be sustainable.

Talk about everything and communicate.

A relationship with a couple is a building that is built day by day: experiences, emotions, conversations and feelings are small blocks of stone that you place every day and that in the end become solid walls. Now that you are starting, you are laying the foundations, building a solid foundation on which your future must be sustained. In this time you have to take the opportunity to get to know each other thoroughly, discover your dreams and fears, the things you want and the things you hate, your dream vacations and your favorite foods. One of the main keys for a relationship to work is that both partners know each other well, because in this way we can anticipate what the other wants and avoid what they dislike.

Surely now you will be talking more than ever, something good, because only by talking you can create the necessary trust to open up to the other and tell what you need to know.

Do not be in a hurry to name it.

The best advice you can give to someone starting a relationship is not to rush. But to be more concrete we will talk about some concrete examples, such as not rushing when it comes to wanting to name what is yours. The name always goes after the thing, we cannot name something that does not exist, that is why first you must really know each other, find out who each one is, and once you know from the heart that you want to focus on life in common, you can start to talk about what you are to each other. You will mark the time yourself, both of you must be sure of what you are doing and when the time comes you will know it, but wanting to run too much is often counterproductive.

Keep a cool head and have no illusions.

Each person has a different character and a particular way of facing life and the future, sometimes there are mentalities that can be valid and good to improve and move forward while there are others that can end up being a problem and cause disappointments.

If you are one of the people who get excited very easily, who on the second day of courtship are already thinking about what color the wedding flowers will be or what name they want to give their children, it is convenient that you assure those spirits a little. Relationships should never be forced, but they arrive as they arrive and on time. The best thing you can do is start to know that person for whom you feel special things; enjoy every moment, take advantage of the present and that impatience and the desire to run too much do not make you stumble or scare her.

Do not get your hopes up; fully enjoy everything that this relationship that you have just started has in store for you. It is not that you should repress your feelings, on the contrary, spontaneity is always necessary, but the rush can cause that relationship that begins to flourish to dry up before its time.

Be yourself at all times.

One of the big mistakes that many people make is to start a relationship because they do not know how to be alone, because they are afraid of loneliness. A relationship is not about someone else filling in the gaps, but about starting a common project, adding something new while still being nothing of who you are.

Starting a relationship as a couple is not giving up individuality, it is necessary to maintain your tastes, your interests, your friendships, your dreams and your projects. If things work out in the end, they will end up becoming couple projects, something to fight for together. At this point it is also essential to learn to value yourself and make others value you. What happens in the first months can set the tone for what the relationship will be, so you should not allow disrespect or anything that displeases you or makes you suffer.


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